God is saying I am empowered to set things in order in my life
He wants me to set thing in order in His stead.
If we don’t set things in order in our lives we cannot set things in order in our families and in the world.
He has given us capacity to create and to set things in order because He has made me in His image, His nature and his character.
He has empowered you to set things in order in your city, in your nation and in the world.
God is saying that you are increasingly becoming like Him.
God is saying restoration is a full package.
You are becoming like Him to set things in order beyond being Holy and Righteous.
There were some manifestation that Jesus did not accomplish that He has designed us to accomplish.
If we can see God the way He is, we will have greater appreciation of what He has placed on the inside of you.
We have the capacity to set things in order.
Start taking steps in line with the divine blueprint.