The Present Truth (A Review)

March 7, 2021
The Present Truth (A Review)

The church of the living God is the ground and pillar of truth. We have to embody Christ in every aspect of our lives. We have to be Pillars: Formidable, Strong and Reinforced in God.

You can only achieve this when we sincerely and diligently seek God.

There are depths in God that we have not explored. For you to go deeper, you must be willing to go through the process God is taking you through.

Challenges are a great resource and when you are in God every challenge you face is there to build you up. So, don’t waste your challenges.

The process of digging deep; builds and prunes us!

We must be humble to fully attain the measure of God.

It is the process that determines the journey because the destination is sealed in Him.